Friday, 30 December 2011

Hacking Window Admin PAssword

Just follow these steps:

 Go to C:\Windows\System32\

 Copy the File cmd.exe to desktop and rename it to sethc.exe

 Now copy the file sethc.exe to C:\Windows\System32\ and will give an error, give that error YES. And replace it.

 Now You Are Done.

 Now At the Login Screen Press SHIFT Key 5 times and a beep Sound will come and Command prompt will open.

 In the command prompt type “explorer.exe” and Hit Enter a desktop will open in the tab mode.Use The Computer

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

To Change The Same Icon Problem....

There are two ways to solve them:

Step1-   download application from this link: 

and extarct it... nd pls run as administrator...

i hope it will be work....

Step 2-  Follow this link :

u can successfully solve your problem...

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Virtual Wifi Router

Windows 7 includes a little-known new feature called Virtual Wi-Fi, which effectively turns your PC or laptop into a software-based router.

Any other Wi-Fi-enabled devices within range a desktop, laptop, an iPod perhaps will "see" you as a  new network and once logged on, immediately be able to share your internet connection.

This will only work if your wireless 
adapter driver supports it. Check with your adapter manufacturer and make sure you've installed the very latest drivers to give you the best chance.

Once you have driver support then the easiest approach is to get a network tool that can set up virtual Wi-Fi for you.I go for "Virtual Router". Virtual Router is free easy to use and you can share your internet connection very quickly. You can find the software in the net.

The idea behind the Virtual Wifi is simple, the operating 
system can  virtualise any compatible wireless 
adapter  to make it appear as though you've as many additional adapters as you need.

Another process of setup without installing any Additional Software.

                                          The best wifi sharing software - virtual wifi router -5 software I cant live without on my laptop -
The set up process is simple and for this you have to deal with Command prompt. Click Start, type CMD, right-click the Cmd.exe and select "Run as Administrator".Now type the following command

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MyNet key=MyPassword

press enter. Replace "MyNet" with the name you'd like to use for your custom network, and "MyPassword" with a password that's a little harder to guess.
After that type the command

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Press enter.

Now go to Control Panel  > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Centre > Change Adapter Settings, right-click your internet connection and select Properties. Click the Sharing tab, check "Allow other network users to connect.". choose your virtual Wi-Fi adaptor.

download it from this link:

How To Join EXE File With In Image (Bind Any Application With Image)

Simple File Joiner:it into separate pieces when posted to a news server or you have a large collection of MPEG movies split into different sections, you can rejoin them with Simple File Joiner.
Simple File Joiner works on text files, some movie files (like mpg movies that are all the same size and encoded the same, but not with avi files), and others. if the files you are trying to join together each have header information that pertains to that particular file, SFJ will not work. This includes GIF, BMP, JPG, AVI, DOC, etc.

download it from this link:

Often, when you see a file set with the extensions .001, .002, .003, etc. they will join correctly with SFJ. Be sure to test the newly joined file before deleting the old source files.

enjoy and send any application to your facebook, gmail , yahoo etc.

How To Join Video With Video Joiner

Screen of Free Video Joiner 

  • Quickly join and without any quality loss
  • Support join AVI, WMV, MOV, MPEG, MPG files
  • Support save as AVI, WMV, MOV, MP4 (MPEG4) video format
  • Support save as DVD, VCD compatible mpeg
  • Support save as iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP video format
  • Join unlimited number of video files in different formats
  • Includes all video encoders and decoders
  • Simple and very EASY to use
  • FREE software
  • download from this link


  • enjoy it:   

How To Protect Your Desktop From Virus By Disabling Autorun . .

  just follow these steps:,

        Go to RUN

       Type gpedit.msc

1-  Then go to computer configuration

2-  Then go to administrative templates

3-  Then click on system

4-  U will see many options in your right side

5-  Click on Turn off Auto play

6-  And go to its properties

7-  Now choose Enabled option and select it for All Drives . . .

Enjoy the trick . . .:-)

Top 3 MP3 Converters

1.  Audacity:  is an open-source software for audio conversion, editing and recording. It’s cross-platform: Windows, Mac and Linux supported. The tool does a good job of exporting almost any audio data including tapes and microphone recordings into MP3, WAV, AIFF and other audio extensions. It’s also remarkable for its ability to cut and mix audio tracks, no matter the input quality is since Audacity can remove unwanted noise and apply different filtering algorithms.

download from this link:

2.   Freemake Audio Converter  is able to handle tons of audio formats including some not-so-common types and convert them to MP3, WMA, M4A, OGG and other formats. This Windows-only app provides also an easy audio extraction from video files and multiple audio tracks joining. Users can easily customize MP3 conversion parameters as there’s a handy preset editor which lets modify bit-rate, sample rate and audio channels settings.

download from this link:

3.  free MP3 WMA Converter:   offers a simple way to convert files from and to MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC, AAC, so that you can play your favourite music on an MP3 player, Mac, PC, or iPod. The tool has a user-friendly interface and features high conversion speed. The converter has a built-in CD ripper which allows users to grab Audio CD files and save them in MP3 format.

download from this link:

and enjoy it....

Vodafone Hack For Free GPRS

This method has been tested on different mobiles and has been confirmed to be working.
Followng are the Settings you require to configure on your Mobile:
Account Name: Vodafone_gprs
User Name: (no need)
Pass: (no need)
Access Point Settings :-
Proxy: Enabled
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9401
Data Bearer: Packet Data
Bearer Settings :-
Packet Data Access Point: portalnmms
Network type: IPV4
Authentication: normal
User Name: (no need)
Password: (no need)
*IF that happen this settings is not working then change the proxy port number to:-
Proxy Port: 9401
working on south region

Hack A PC using PRO RAT Software

This is step by step tutorial that explains how how to hack a PC with pro rat software.

Download free software called PRO RAT from this

Once you downloaded pro rat software you’ll see win rar file . Enter the password pro and extract it to your computer .
Launch pro rat. Pro rat has a lot options as keylogger , screen shot , file manager, pc shutdown…

You should create ProRat Server and send it to the target pc . To create server click on the bottom Create

Enter your ip address if you don’t know your ip address click on red arrow . Also add your email address that will be used to send email notification. 

Next go to general settings, , 5110 is port that you will connect to the target pc , you can change server password .You can give a fake error message, when target launch your remote file , error message will shown . You can type for error message what ever you want .
You can use option bind with the file. you can bind server with any file. I didn’t use this option in this example
Under server extension I recommend to use EXE (has icon support ) or SCR(has icon support). 

Under server icon select any icon that you want that your server look out. 

Click on Create Server . Now you need to send server file to the target pc . There are many ways how you can do it. You can create server file that looks as image and email it to your friends . The most effective way by my opinion is to bind server file to the movie file and upload it to the torrent or rapidshare . 

After the target clicks on your server file you’ll be able to connect to the target PC. In main window of pro rat you’ll see IP field. Type target pc address .  I recommend you to try to hack friends pc , so just ask your friend to give you ip address . In the port field type 5110 and click Connect.

Friday, 23 December 2011

How to Hide Data in Image, Audio & Video Files: Steganography

follow these steps..

1. Place the JPG and the text file (.txt) in the same folder as that of StegoMagic_TXT.exe
2. Run StegoMagic_TXT.exe and follow the screen instructions to embed the text message inside the JPG image.
3. Note down the secret decryption key.
Now you can send this image to your friend via email. To decrypt the hidden message, your friend should load this JPG file onto the Stego Magic tool and use the secret decryption key.

You can download it from the following link.
I hope you enjoy this post :) . For queries and feedback, please pass your comments .

How To Encrypt Files And Folders In Windows 7 / VISTA

Encryption is a method to protect your files from unauthorized access.Windows 7 has inbuilt Encryption capabilities so that you don’t have spend extra money on these type of softwares.File encryption is becoming more and more important these days. 

follow these steps:
1.Right click on the folder you want to encrypt and then click on properties.

2.In the properties dialog click on Advanced under the general tab.

3.After clicking on advanced you will see a prompt,check the box in the prompt which says Encrypt Contents To Secure Data

4.If your trying to encrypt a folder you will see another prompt asking you whether you would like to encrypt subfolder also.Click on OK.

5.Now your files will be encrypted.

6.Your Encrypted files and folders names will turn into green colour which indicates that the these files have been encrypted.

How do I create shutdown shortcuts in Microsoft Windows 7?

Creating a shortcut

Creating a shortcut should be familiar to almost everyone, but we will walk through the process just for clarity. There are other ways to accomplish this task, but this is my preferred method. First, right-click on a clear spot on the desktop and navigate to New | Shortcut, as shown in Figure A.

Figure A

Navigate the menu to create a new shortcut.
When you click the Shortcut menu item, you will arrive at the input screen shown inFigure B. This is where you will enter the specific command strings to make your new shortcut do what you want it to do.

Figure B

Enter the command for your new shortcut.
For our example, we will enter the specific command that will shut down a Windows PC. Type the following command into the box and then click Next.
Shutdown.exe -s -t 00
The next screen (Figure C) asks you to name the shortcut. I suggest you name the shortcut to correspond to the action it will perform. In this case, we name it Shutdown.

Figure C

Give it an appropriate name.

New icon

Technically, you could stop here, but I prefer to give these shortcuts an icon that will help me remember what it is they do. In Windows 7, changing an icon is similar to how you changed icons in previous versions of the operating system.
Right-click on the icon in question to get the context menu shown in Figure D and then navigate to the Properties menu item.

Figure D
Find Properties on the menu.
From the Properties control panel, shown in Figure E, select the Change Icon button.

Figure E

Select Change Icon.
The next screen (Figure F) will show you a list of potential icons. Choose the one you want to use and click the OK button twice.

Figure F

Choose your icon and click OK.
You should now have a new shortcut on your desktop. When you click the shortcut, your PC will shut down, so make sure you save your work before you test it.

Delete Autorun.inf Virus Manually using just Winrar

I am going to show you this rare method of removing Autorun.inf manually using just winrar application, not any antivirus or malware programs.
Solution to Remove Autorun.inf Virus
Step 1: First Disable CD/DVD or USB Autorun in windows
Step 2: Open Winrar.exe (Start–>All Programs–>WinRar–>WinRar.exe)
Step 3: Now Browse to any drive that is infected with Autorun.inf virus using winrar explorer.
Step4: Here you will see all the hidden files under winrar for that particular drive.
Step 5: Look for the file Autorun.inf and open it using notepad.
Autorun in notpad
Step 6: In that Autorun file, some .EXE file will be mentioned that will be executed along with the autorun file. This exe file is the main culprit.
Delete Autorun.exe virus file
Step 7: Note the exe file mentioned in the Autorun.inf file. Close this Autorun.inf file.
Step 8: Now look for that .Exe file in the drive (Ex: c:/), Delete that .exe file along with Autorun.inf
Step 9: Restart your Operating System. Now your system is free with Autorun.inf Virus.
Note: Repeat the same process if your Usb or Pendrives are infected with Autorun.inf virus.

How to Use Windows 7 Without Activation

Most of you might be aware of the fact that it is possible to use Windows 7 and Vista for 120 days without activation. This is actually possible using the slmgr -rearm command which will extend the grace period from 30 days to 120 days. However in this post I will show you a small trick using which it is possible to use Windows 7 without activation for approximately an year! Here is a way to do that.

1. Goto “Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories” . Right click on “Command Prompt” and select “Run as Administrator“. If you are not the administrator then you are prompted to enter the password, or else you can proceed to step-2.
2. Now type the following command and hit enter
slmgr -rearm
3. You will be prompted to restart the computer. Once restarted the trial period will be once again reset to 30 days. You can use the above command for up to 3 times by which you can extend the trial period to 120 days without activation.
4. Now comes the actual trick by which you can extend the trial period for another 240 days. Open Registry Editor (type regedit in “Run” and hit Enter) and navigate to the following location
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform
5. In right-side pane, change value of SkipRearm to 1.
6. Now you will be able to use the slmgr -rearm command for another 8 times so that you can skip activation process for another 240 days. So you will get 120 + 240 = 360 days of free Windows 7 usage.
120 days using “slmgr -rearm” command before registry edit
240 days using “slmgr -rearm” command after registry edit
= 360 Days
enjoy nd have fun

Learn keylogger Spystik - Computer Monitoring Device

A Hardware Keylogger is just like a normal USB drive or any other computer peripheral so that the victims can never doubt that it is a keylogger, Hardware keylogger has any inbuilt memory which stores the typed keystrokes, Today we are going to review a very popular hardware keylogger named Snoopstick, Snoopstick is a very popular and efficient keylogger supporting the monitoring of wide variety of services such as IM, Email chat recording etc.

Why Do I Need SnoopStick?

Well their are variety of reasons why you may want to use snoopstick, The list goes on and on but some of them are as follows:
Monitor what your kids are doing on their computers.
Monitor your Spouse to see if she is cheating.
Monitor your employees to find out what they are doing in their office timing.

Step By Step Installation Guide
Now that you have figured out the importance and usage of snoopstick in your daily life, I will show you a step by step guide to install Snoopstick on someone's computer and start monitoring them.

Note: Monitoring a computer without the owner's permission is a crime as you are invading some one's privacy.

Step 1 

After you have purchased the snoopstick, simply plug the snoopstick in to your computer. 

Step 2

Once your computer has successfully identified the snoopstick, Open the drive to view the contents, Next double click on the file snoopstick.exe and it will start the updater, which will download the installation files.
Make sure that you are connected to internet or else the update won't work.

 Step 3 

Once the update is completed, the control panel will automatically start. After the control panel is loaded choose the 4 option "Install Snoopstick", The setup will then ask you for the confirmation Click "Ok" and it will start the installation. After you click ok a terms and conditions dialog box will appear, Simply choose I agree and click ok.

 Step 4

Next it will ask you for a friendly computer name, Since in this case I am choosing to monitor my own computer, I will type my own name. Now sit back and relax and wait for the snoopstick to install the keylogger. Once the installation is completed the following message will appear.

Step 5 

Once you have successfully installed SnoopStick on the victims computer, Open up the SnoopStick control panel once again and click on the first option "Connect And View Remote Activity".

 Step 6 

Once the SnoopStick has sucessfully connected you with the victim, the following windows will appear and from here you can record every thing what victim is doing, even taking screenshots of the victims computer.

With so many great features, There are however some things missing in SnoopStick which would be annoying for lots of customers, One of them is that Snoopstick does not have a password recording feature, which means that you cannot record any kind of passwords with SnoopStick.

Where To Buy SnoopStick?
You can buy SnoopStick on a discounted price of 99$ from SpyAssociates, Spyassociates is a leader in spying and surveillance equipments, Apart from Hardware Keyloggers SpyAssociates offers wide variety of high quality spying products.

Find Serial key using Craagle Software

Craagle is a free search engine that allows users to search every sort of cracks, serials, keys, keygen and covers, without falling into shit, like annoying toolbars, pop-ups, spyware, ad-ware and mal-ware that the crack sites or search sites abundant with.
It works by doing the searching the cracks, serials or album covers directly from Craagle program without the need to visit the websites.

Download Craagle 4.0 -
Get Serial keys from Serials Search Engines


Changing Windows7 My Documents Location

change windows 7 My documents folder easily.Follow the below steps guys.
1.go to start find my documents and right click it. the properties menu small window open
change-my-documents-folder-in-windows 7 include folder
5.browse location for where you store mydocuments folder.
6.i can store in my d:drive .browse d:drive and create new folder name(my documents)
7.then click the include folder button.
8. after include will added to document properties window(see the below screenshot)
9.Finally click the apply  button. u see the my documents folder in D:drive.
Note: if u want to remove old my documents location.go to documents properties.highlight the old one and click the remove button.